There are many ways to earn money from amazon but the best one is
amazon associate or affiliate programme
What is amazon affiliate programme?
It is a programme by which one can earn through their blogs, website or you tube channel. The owner of website blog or channel promote its links to generate sell and earn commission per sell.
How to create amazon affiliate account?
- Go to Google and search "amazon associates program"
- Google will open number of sites
- Click on first site
- Following interphase will open
- Click on sign up
- The next step will require your name and gmail address
- After creating the account and confirming your mail address you are to give all your information
after logging in
- You should add your blog or site on which you promote amazon links and also payment method
by which you will get commission.
- Now generate the links from your account and palace it on your site or blog
- Amazon will give you commission on each sell from your site